‘Finish me, colour me!’ T-shirts: Are they a good idea?


Everybody loves a good scribble on their clothes, right?

…Just me?

Well it was my birthday last week (Valentine’s Day actually, incase you want to pop it into your diaries for next year) and we had planned a great big family walk and play in Rushcliffe Country Park

Bro and M :) followed by a pub lunch.

Now here’s something every sneaky mama knows…if you’re taking the kiddos to a restaurant, bring fun stuff to do at the table. Standard.

I thought this would be a fabulous opportunity to test drive a new Sojo product idea I’ve been toying with…

no headed monster

…”The No-headed (but potentially 3 Headed)Monster- Finish me, Colour me, T-Shirt” and a bundle of lovely fabric pens.

Ok, the name needs a bit of work.

Anyhoo, everybody LOVED them (apart from my little girl, who was “…FAR too hungry to draw monster heads, are you crazy mummy?!”)

Here are some sneaky pics I took of the lunchtime madness 🙂


The 4 year old’s approach: First things first, let’s swishle (new word) some colour all up on this Tee.


6 year old’s know their stuff when it comes to designing a monster.  Easy peasy!


My 9 year Old hard at work.


The 32 year old’s approach: Serious. Very serious.







So tell me, what do you reckon…Should I go for it and develop these bad boys into a  crafty product?

Is it the type of thing you might consider buying?

What age range would most enjoy it?

Tell me, tell me 🙂


2 thoughts on “‘Finish me, colour me!’ T-shirts: Are they a good idea?

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